Flash espeasy
Image can be found here.
To boot the sonoff into flash mode, press and hold the button while connecting it to power.
./esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash 0x000 ESPEasy_R120_1024.bin -fs 8m
Connect to wifi and configure
Connect to ESP_0 with password configesp and set up the wifi connection.
After connecting to wifi open the webinterface http://ip.of.sonoff/config and configure the name and unit number. The name of my sonoff is sonoff-s20.
Configure Hardware and Devices.
Enable rules: Tools – Advanced – Rules: Checked
Now there is a new menu entry named Rules
On Button#State=1 do if [Relay#State]=0 gpio,12,1 else gpio,12,0 endif endon
Now you can toggle the relay with the button.
MQTT usage
I use the protocol OpenHAB MQTT. So I can subscribe these events:
# mosquitto_sub -h my.mqtt.server -t "#" -v /sonoff-s20/Relay/State 1 /sonoff-s20/Relay/State 0
To switch on and off you can publish these messages:
# mosquitto_pub -h -t "/sonoff-s20/gpio/12" -m "1" # mosquitto_pub -h -t "/sonoff-s20/gpio/12" -m "0"
It is also possible to change „Relay“ to „gpio“ and „State“ to „12“. In this case, the subscribed and published strings are the same, but the rules also have to be modified. is the IP-Address of the MQTT-Server (for example, mosquitto).
openHAB configuration
After configuration of the mqtt-binding in openhab.cfg I created a new item-file
Switch sonoff01 "Sonoff Socket" {mqtt=">[mosquitto:/sonoff-s20/gpio/12:command:ON:1],>[mosquitto:/sonoff-s20/gpio/12:command:OFF:0],<[mosquitto:/sonoff-s20/Relay/State:state:MAP(mqtt.map)]", autoupdate="false"}
I also created the file transforms/mqtt.map
0=OFF 1=ON
Very thorough tutorial. I used it to successfully install the firmware on my S20. i have one question though: how do I use MQTT? Where do I input the following lines?
# mosquitto_sub -h my.mqtt.server -t "#" -v
/sonoff-s20/Relay/State 1
/sonoff-s20/Relay/State 0
# mosquitto_pub -h -t "/sonoff-s20/gpio/12" -m "1"
# mosquitto_pub -h -t "/sonoff-s20/gpio/12" -m "0"
Do i need a module soldered on the board for them to work or do they work out of the box? In other words – how do I control the plug after installing the firmware?
Hi Răzvan,
these are linux commands. There are different ways to control espeasy.
The different protocols are documented in the espeasy wiki:
Hi Micha
I know they are Linux commands. My question is do I input them in the OpenHAB console or directly into BASH? Does OpenHAB need to run on my laptop for them to work? Should I try
mosquitto_sub -h -t "#" -v /sonoff-s20/Relay/State 1
or do I make a bash script like this:
mosquitto_sub -h -t "#" -v
/sonoff-s20/Relay/State 1
/sonoff-s20/Relay/State 0
(where is my plug’s static IP address).
Hi Răzvan,
directly into bash. But for this solution, you need a mqtt server (for example mosquitto). This does not work stand alone.
If you don’t want to set up a mqtt server, you can use http requests to toggle the relay:,12,1,12,0
See: https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/ESPEasy_Command_Reference
Thank you for your time and info.